What people say about KeeperSoul..

  • "There are some who will go to KeeperSoul and have an encounter with God, some will return transformed by Him. I know I am the latter. I am so thankful to God and to you all. Fransien and the team, I cannot thank you all enough for your obedience and love you shared, I will never forget."


  • “To the KeeperSoul team and Fransien heartfelt thanks for such a beautiful weekend. Amazing moments – encountering upfront and personal honesty with ones self.”


  • “It was a watershed weekend for me. God is good! Thank you Fransien and KeeperSoul team!”


  • “My time at KeeperSoul was like plugging in the phone almost out of battery or watering the drooping houseplant yellowed with thirst. As women we are accustomed to taking care of others, giving from our hearts. What a change to be the one receiving amazing gifts from the heart. Some gifts were the kind you can take a picture of like delicious food and luxurious accommodations. Others were the kind you can’t touch, but you carry with you forever – laughter, tears, stories and prayers. I soaked in sun and silence and let my heart be still enough to hear God’s whispers to my soul. KeeperSoul is a safe place to deeply connect with other women and with God.” — Ruthie Gomez
